Phoenix Rising: A Steampunk Symphony

I have had the good fortune to read and enjoy the work of Tee Morris and Philippa Ballantine for several years. I like the writing styles of both but they are very different. When I heard that they were collaborating on a book, and a steampunk one at that, I was cautiously optimistic. Not because I didn’t think they could pull it off, but because I had no idea what the meshing of their two voices would be like. In other words, would the result be a symphony or a cacophony? I am delighted to say that the book, “Phoenix Rising: A Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences Novel” is a symphony of the highest order. The characters are rich and the […]

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Support Your Local Writer

I hate talking about money. Hate it, hate it, hate it. I firmly believe that if you see value in something (like stories), you should support them. There are many ways to do this. One cheap and easy way is to talk about a writer’s work. If you like it tell people. Encourage them to sample that writer’s wares. Another is to use the donate button whenever available and throw a buck or two in the pot. I have a couple stories out there right now that depend on this model. One is GalaxyBillies (found on and the other is Stolen Immortality found at Sorcerous Signals ( Yet another great way is to buy the author’s work. In the […]

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Book Review: Imago Book 3 – A Warrior’s Tale

A Warrior’s Tale tells the story of Nayla Treeborn, a half-elf, half-human warrior and her struggles to live in a world that is intolerant of a half-breed. The novel, while the third in the series, is actually a prequel to the first book. It starts and ends at essentially the same point with the meat of the novel consisting of one long flashback. It sounds odd, but it works after the first jolt into the past. The author avoids the bouncing back and forth by writing one continuous flashback at the very start of the story when the protagonist begins to relive the past. Everything else flows back to that very moment of introspection. This story is unique in a […]

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Review of ‘Bitter Release’ by Scott Roche

I read Scott Roche’s short story, “Bitter Release” (found on Smashwords: and wanted to share my thoughts about it. I’ve got to give kudos to Scott for releasing this story for sale. Posting your writing at all is an accomplishment. Having the faith to put it up on Smashwords and actively seeking reviews is fantastic. My first criterion for a good story is one that gets my attention. There’s nothing worse than offering to do a review and having to work my way through the writing. This certainly fits in the good category. I enjoyed reading this story. The big question you might ask is why? Let me begin by saying Scott has put a lot effort into this […]

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