Get Published Episode 75 – Jennifer White Talks Screenwriting

I’ve been curious about screenwriting and just how a writer can make it in Hollywood. Can screenwriters work outside Los Angeles and be successful? I was able to ask these questions and many more when I talked to Jennifer White who is a screenwriter, tagline writer and novelist. I am also happy to have JRMurdock do another of his Unorthodox Writing Tips. In today’s show he talks about paying attention. I also wanted to briefly talk about a couple of new projects I’m working on that you may or may not be aware of. The first, of these is the Mad Scientist Handbook that you have likely heard a promo for on previous episodes of the show. The Handbook is […]

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Get Published Episode 74 – The Fine Art of Collaboration

Happy New Year! As you know, I’ve been working on a novel with JRMurdock. Our work together is my first time collaborating with another auther and it has been a real learning experience. Both JR and I have had questions about collaborating from various people so we thought it would be helpful if we talk about our experiences. You will hear more in the main section of the show. I’ve also been looking at my to-do list for 2012. It’s a pretty long one and I will be challenged to complete it. In the tips and typos section, I will be talking about the various projects and how I plan to complete them all. This episode marks the third anniversary […]

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Get Published Episode 73 – Jeremy Lassen & Nightshade Books

As I talked about last episode, I went to World Fantasy Convention hoping to line up some guests for the show. The first, with Michael Stackpole was a great conversation but there was a lot of background noise that I wasn’t able to clean up. My second interview also suffers from background noise, this time from people in the area. I kept trying to find different and better places to do the interviews but everywhere I went there were people. Today’s interview is with Jeremy Lassen, Editor-in-Chief at Nightshade books. I met Jeremy once before and I was very happy to get some of his time for the interview. I also have another segment of JRMurdock’s “Unorthodox Writing Tips”. I […]

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Get Published Episode 72 – Michael Stackpole Talks Digital Media

When I went to World Fantasy Convention in October, one of my goals was to line up some guests for the show. I didn’t really expect to get too many in person interviews because the convention is pretty busy and everyone is trying to get as much in as they can. I did manage two in person interviews. The first, which I’m going to share with you today, is with Michael Stackpole. Mike is one of the big e-vangelists in the industry for self e-publishing. He has a ton of great things to say. Unfortunately, there weren’t many quiet places to comfortably talk at. In this case, we had some construction across the street so you get a lot of […]

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