Get Published Episode 104 – Red Tuque Books Does Distribution

On today’s show I have David Korinetz who is the owner of Red Tuque Books. Red Tuque Books is a book distributor in Canada. David and I talk about book distribution and some of the challenges small presses face. I also talk about book reviews. Why they are important and how I personally handle them. That’s today’s episode. I hope you enjoy it.   Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 104 – Red Tuque Books Does Distribution Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published” 00:14 — Introduction – Get Published Episode 104 – Red Tuque Books Does Distribution (continued) Welcome to the show. 00:47 Promo: BabylonPodcast 01:49 -Tips and Typos Mike talks about deadlines. 07:40 […]

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Follow the Dots

There are times when I think I am a bit slow. There are other times when I KNOW I am, but that is a story for another time. As you well know, I talk about networking…a LOT! What I haven’t really mentioned is that when you meet one person, it is a great idea to also learn who they know. Allow me to illustrate my point. A few weeks ago, I received an email from Ian at Deux Voiliers Publishing. He had stumbled acrossGet Publishedand asked if I would be interested in interviewing some of Deux Voiliers’ authors. I am always looking for guest so I said yes. I also asked him if he would appear so I could get […]

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