The FUD Factor

For those of you who have never heard of FUD, it stands for “Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt” and has long been a tool used to sell things or coerce people into making a decision. In my case, the FUD factor is more about the upcoming launch of my debut novel, Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero. Now that the book is done and totally out of my hands, those common doubts are surfacing: will people enjoy the story? will they even know the book exists? will it sell? I know of good, well-known authors who have done everything in their power to spread the word only to have their book fall flat sales-wise. It wasn’t a fault of the book, the cover or anything […]

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Mid-life Crisis

I’ve seen other people have a mid-life crisis where they buy a banging sportscar (note: use of word banging is merely my attempt to feel younger and more relevant) or trade in a spouse for a newer model. My fast-approaching high-school reunion (tomorrow, and no, I’m saying which one) has made me realize that I really need to get onto one of my own and soon. Otherwise, I’ll be retired by the time I actually get around to it. But, what purpose does a mid-life crisis actually serve? I think, and it is only my opinion, is that those people who suffer said affliction come to a realization that they haven’t achieved all those things they set out to do when […]

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Get Published Episode 16 (Special) – The Release of 7th Son is Nigh, A Chat with JC Hutchins

Hello Everyone. When I heard that JC Hutchins’ 7th Son, Descent was about to hit the bookstores I was excited. When JC put the call out for his street team to give him a leg up I knew I had to help so I invited Hutch to come back to the show to pimp his book. My expectation was that he would spend 20 – 30 minutes  to talk about the 7th Son Journey from manuscript to podcast to book. What I got was one of the most enjoyable discussions I’ve had about writing in quite a while. In the interest of full-disclosure, you will only hear about Hutch’s works in this episode. However, you will also get a sneak […]

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A Laugh Out Loud Moment

I was thinking the other day (and no, that isn’t the funny part) about my goal to see one of my books in print and I realized just how far I’ve come as a writer. Let me explain. When I first entertained the idea of writing a book and actually getting it published it was as far away from reality for me as the possibility that I might one day walk on the moon. I knew I enjoyed writing and I felt I could probably write something decent if I was given enough time. I just never expected anyone to want to read my work. After I finished writing my first book, I actually started to think I could pull […]

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