T Minus 7 Days and Counting

One week from today, Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero will be fully available for purchase. Those are words I wondered if I would ever be able to say. Ten years ago, I would have asked you what you were smoking to make a prediction like that. Even still, despite doubts, I knew I wanted to get my work published. I made it my goal to get there and slowly, slowly, I worked toward that goal. But how did I do it? Well, I’m glad you asked me that question. Let me give you a quick timeline of my writing: started reading adult fiction before I started school (I think I was about 4 years old). I know this doesn’t mention writing, […]

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Conventions: Not Just for Dressing Up

Who here has ever gone to a convention of one kind or another? Don’t be shy, raise your hands high if you have. Now, how many of you have been to a convention where another writer or a publisher or an editor or an agent has been a guest, a panel participant or a known quantity? And what did you do at that convention? Did you meet any of the aforementioned people? I attended ConVersion (a local SciFi/Fantasy convention) not too long ago. My goal was to meet one of the publishers who I knew to be coming and maybe meet Terry Brooks. Let me begin by saying that I am not the most outgoing person alive. Still, I went […]

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Don’t Let Setbacks Set You Back

We’ve all had moments where things didn’t go quite as planned. We’ve all had times when it seems like the world is plotting against us. Responding positively to these challenges is critically important and often extremely hard to do. Case in point, I interviewed JC Hutchins for ‘Get Published’. I must confess that I was really looking forward to talking with JC. We connected via Skype and started talking. Five minutes into the conversation, JC dropped off. I called him back and we picked up where we had left off. About 25 minutes into the interview, increasing amounts of distortion crept into JC’s side of the talk. I should have halted the session, reconnected and proceeded. Unfortunately, I thought maybe […]

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