Get Published Episode 130 – Marty Chan, Extraordinary Writer

130 episodes. Wow! I can never thought I would be able to claim that number when I started Get Published. Now that I’m here, I have a hard time concieving of the day when the show won’t be part of my life. What better way to celebrate the milestone but by having another awesome guest. Today, you will hear me talk to Marty Chan. Marty is an author, playwright, and screenwriter for radio and television. He has won awards for many of those mediums so it would seem that he knows what he is talking about. We talk about a lot of things in what I would argue is one of the best interviews ever for Get Published. I got […]

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Get Published Episode 58 – Scott Roche, Editor & Self-Published Author

Hello, my friends. As you may know I’m self publishing a book in the coming weeks. I’ve heard from some of you looking for more information on self publishing so I’ve made a point to have more guests who have self publishing experience. This episode I will continue in that vein with a great interview with Scott Roche. Scott is one of the editors with Flying Island Press and has come out with a self published version of his book Ginny Dare, Crimson Sand in both paper and eBook formats. I’ve also had a question come up on both Twitter and my blog from two difference people. That makes it too timely to ignore, so in today’s tips and typos section […]

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