Get Published Episode 112 – Life in Stories & Next Steps in Evil

I try to take events and mentally catalog them for use in future books. That’s one of the reasons I like to sit and watch people. It helps me to make the interactions in my stories more realistic. In this episode, I will be talking about taking life and translating it into stories in the tips and typos section. I am also pleased to have my co-editor, Jeff Hite on the show. We talk about A Method to the Madness: A Guide to the Super Evil and some of the things we have been and will be doing to promote it. We also talk about some related, planned projects and how you can get involved. That’s today’s episode. I hope […]

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The Next Book

I have come face-to-face with something I had always hoped for but wasn’t sure would ever happen. That is, writing the next book in a series. Now, before I start sounding all new and everything, the truth is, I have written the first three books of the Mik Murdoch series. Even still, I wasn’t sure what the future of said books would ever be. In fact, I know books two and three are pretty rough so I have to do some serious rewrites. What is different, is there is now a need for those books. I actually have to take the time to ensure they are as good as they can be so they are publishable. That is the difference. […]

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I’m on to the Next Project, or Am I?

I am now able to say, Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero, is done. At least, all of the writing , revision and proofing. That, of course, just means I have finished another chapter in the road to publication. There are still many, MANY things to do: Prepare and send out Advanced Reader Copies (ARC’s) for review (Lorina Stephens is working on that as I type, I am sure); Create a book trailer; Get publicity for myself and the book; Book launch; Write the next book in the series. Am I missing anything? Undoubtably. As I have never done this before, everything is new to me. I am pretty sure I have left a few things out. So, let’s talk about book […]

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