Baby Steps

The idea of trying something new is often daunting, whether it is writing a story or trying yoga for the first time. I know when I’m faced with something new I often ask myself if I think I can do it. Will I enjoy it? Is it really worth making a fool of myself. Despite all the self-doubt and apprehension, I usually go through with it and check off another thing done in the life experiences list. If I enjoy myself, I might even do it again. The thing about that is, because the activity is unknown, my mind begins to build it up to something potentially scary. I don’t really know what to expect so I start to expect […]

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The Excitement of a New Story

If you are a writer, chances are you know how necessary, and painful, editing your work can be.  You finish writing your newest masterwork and all you want to do is get it out to an adoring audience.  But you know that there is still work to be done and so you go through it over and over (and over again). By the time you think it might be good enough to go to an agent or publisher you are thoroughly sick of it.  You might even be tired of writing.  Sound familiar? But what about all those other stories flitting through your mind?  The first thing you should remember is that it isn’t the writing that you are tired […]

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