Writing Shouldn’t Be a Solitary Activity

In my early writing days I believed that it was just me and the words. No one else would ever be involved. I was totally alone. I’ve since learned that writing doesn’t need to be so solitary. True, there are times when it should be just you and the keyboard, but there are many times when you should be around and involve other people. For example. critiquing and feedback of your work – I have heard the opinion that a writer must write a million words before they have anything worth sending out. I would argue that a million words without any outside scrutiny doesn’t improve one’s writing much at all. The feedback around what works and what needs work […]

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So Many Ways to Network at a Convention

I’ve long said that conventions are great places to network, but I didn’t realize the true number of possible networking opportunities available until I attended “When Words Collide”. There are the normal places like the dealer’s room. You can meet readers, writers and often publishers, editors and agents. The only key to success here is to be willing to talk to people and have business cards available. Then there are the panels. If you are speaking on the panels, don’t be afraid to spend a few minutes pimping yourself. Do it in small bite-sized morsels throughout the panel. Be relevant and friendly. Don’t oversell yourself and, once again, have business cards available. If you are attending and listening to a […]

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What’s Next?

I’ve put a lot of time into my writing, podcasting and networking. But what will I do when I actually get that elusive publishing contract? I have some ideas, but nothing concrete. For example, I know I want to do signings, interviews (written, video and audio). I want to do readings at the local libraries, online, at schools and practically anywhere else I can think of. What I don’t have a plan for or really understand is how these various activities will benefit the sales of my book(s) and that is where I think the plan falls way short. Without some sort of idea what will and will not work, how do I know where to put my energy? For […]

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