I Have a New Story Out in the Anthology: Lucky or Unlucky? 13 Stories of Fate

A few years ago I wrote my first Charlie the Apprentice Wizard story called, oddly enough, Apprentice. It appeared in the very first issue of Flagship eMagazine published by Flying Island Press. Ever since that story came out, I’ve wanted to write more Charlie stories. When I heard about the upcoming anthology, Lucky or Unlucky? 13 Stories of Fate, I knew that it was time to write the next one. So, I wrote a story titled, The 13th Spell featuring Charlie once again. I submitted it for the anthology and, I’m pleased to say, it was accepted. The anthology is now available in multiple eFormats for $0.99. As the title says, it includes 13 different stories. A bargain, if I do say […]

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