NaNo 2017 – Day 14 – I Broke 30,000 Words

Okay. Maybe I should say, I passed the 30,000 word mark. I didn’t actually break any of them due to poor writing or anything else. I had high hopes I would be able to start my writing early in the afternoon. That isn’t quite what happened unfortunately. Still…I BROKE 30,000! 🙂 Challenges for the Day Lots of errands to run Number of Words for the Day:  2773 words My highest single day total for 2017. Yes, it’s a far-cry from the 5000+ I did a couple years ago, but I’m still pretty proud of the number. I had a scene that just felt so very right! It flowed so fast I almost couldn’t type quickly enough to keep up. How […]

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NaNo 2017 – Day 13, Laser like Focus

One of the many reasons I like NaNoWriMo is because it helps me to focus. I am very much a goal-oriented person and the whole challenge with very concrete milestones is exactly what I need when I’m trying to get writing done. I should probably do more of it in my daily/weekly writing activities. Day 13 proved to be a day when I needed to find and maintain that laser-like focus. It was another exhausting day of deal with all the various things that are magically appearing regarding my ailing parent. We found more evidence of failures to deal with the various day-to-day things that make up our lives so we had to deal with those. None of it was […]

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NaNo 2017 – Day 12, Relaxation Can Cause Word Shortages

Day 12 was a laid back day. Almost too laid back. I decided to take some time to not do much. I got up late and wrote some, then ran some errands then did some more words.   That’s pretty hard to stop and getting the motivation to put words down was pretty difficult. Challenges for the Day The biggest? Too comfortable and actually relaxing for the first time in days (weeks?), just like yesterday. Number of Words for the Day:  2240 words I had set a pretty aggressive goal of 4,000 words. If I hadn’t left the house, I might have achieved that. But, I didn’t stay home. I ran around doing other things. I’m still pretty happy with what […]

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NaNo 2017 – Day 11 – Writing Almost Didn’t Happen

Day 11 was almost the day that didn’t happen. Okay, that’s a little bit dramatic. I actually would have finished the day with ~300 words if I had only done the one (small) writing stint. As I have mentioned in previous posts, I’m getting tired. A large portion of the fatigue comes from trying to juggle too many balls (including NaNoWriMo). So, this weekend we have been planning a mini vacation. The emphasis should be on the word “mini”. We are going North to do some more for my failing parent, but we decided that, since we can’t really do much until Monday/Tuesday, we would go North in stages. The first stage I talked about yesterday. We went as far […]

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