Hours in the Day (or should I say, minutes?)

There just never seems to be enough time to do all the things I need to do. I’m already booked with recurring events Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and some Wednesdays and weekends are always busy. Just where the heck am I going to find time to write? I know I’m not reading as much as I want (see less than a book every two months at the moment) and a number of other activities are being put to the wayside. There are still a couple things I can give up. Eating is one and sleeping is coming up quickly. No, that’s not entirely true. I just need to arrange my time so I’m writing in the gaps where I’m currently doing […]

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Story Ideas

With NaNoWriMo fast approaching, I wanted to talk about the process where I develop my own ideas into stories. For the purpose of this I will use a sample idea and work it through. Coming up with a story idea This is the single easiest part of the story for me. I get story ideas from everywhere all the time. From television, movies, other books, going for walks and hearing the news. The commonly held belief among “Experts” is that there are no new idea. Just new ways to execute them. Whether that’s true or not I don’t know. I just know that I get these cool story ideas running through my head and I can’t wait to start writing. […]

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Hours in the Day

Let me begin by saying this article is not going to be Michell’s whinefest. It may seem like it (at least early on) but it really isn’t. Honest. That old saying “There’s not enough hours in the day” is certainly feeling real to me lately. I have two big writing projects going on: editing my fantasy novel for submission and NanoWriMo. I’ve also got the podcast which takes up several hours per week (interviews, editing and mixing all take time) plus I’ve got the work and home commitments. I’ve pretty much given up on television, which makes me sad. So many great shows, no time. What this time crunch has done for me is given me the appreciation of using […]

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