Get Published Episode 89 – Crowd Sourcing

I don’t know if any of you have ever noticed, but success is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you are achieving things you have worked on for a long time. On the other hand, you suddenly have a lot more to do with those achievements and less for everything else. That has definitely been the case for me. Since the final revisions for Mik Murdoch began in earnest, I have had less time for podcasting, writing, television and a host of other things that I enjoy. The only ones I have worked hard not to neglect are my family. Without them, there is no point writing. I foolishly thought that when the revisions were complete I would have […]

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Get Published Episode 80 – Tad Williams has Options

Happy April Fools Day to those of you listening to this episode on the 1st. To the rest of you, I hope you had a fun April 1st. There has been a lot going on around here lately. I managed to finish the final set of revisions on my upcoming YA Novel, Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero. Next is layout and sending out Advanced Reader Copies for review. This is pins and needles time for me. I really hope people like it and give me lots of good reviews! Now that revising Mik is out of the way (at least temporarily), I’m back to work getting GalaxyBillies ready for submission. In the off chance that you are an editor, agent or […]

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Get Published Episode 71 – Brandy Rivers Talks Movies and Television

I haven’t really talked about my own personal journey to publication that much. That is primarily because I wanted to actually have something interesting to talk about. After all, you don’t want to hear things like, “got email from editor” or “publisher told me book is scheduled to come out in 2012”. As I have said and come to learn, publishing is very slow and no one wants to hear stories about waiting patiently. Well, now that I have received and finished the first round of major edits, I do have something to talk about. Specifically my own lessons learned. I’ll talk more about that in the tips and typos section of the show. I’m also very excited to share […]

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