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Time to Share – the Big Cover Reveal
As you know, I am busy getting my YA novel, “Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero” ready for publication. The journey feels long some days and I wish I could share more of where we are in concrete terms. Today, I have something concrete to share with you. I have been EXTREMELY fortunate to have a good friend of mine do the cover for the book. I had always hoped he could do it and when I had the chance to make the introduction between him and my publisher, Lorina, I jumped at the chance. She hired him to do four covers right away and, to my delight, “Mik Murdoch” was one of them. So here it is. The cover for my […]
Read moreDon’t Overlook the Little Things – Notes on Revision
The revision process has been a series of aha moments for me. The latest one has to do with how two of my characters come together and form a bond. The book I’m revising is, of course, “Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero” and the bond I’m talking about is that of a superhero and his sidekick, or, in this case, a boy and his dog. Let me set the stage: Mik has just been given a puppy by his parents. Except, the puppy doesn’t want to do anything except mope around the house. Mik and his mother discuss how the puppy has just been weaned and is homesick. It might help if Mik and the dog spend some quality time together. […]
Read moreTrying to Rush the Story
I don’t know about you, but there is a point in my stories where I am solidly down the road and want to see the end. It is at that point that I must be most careful otherwise I rush through scenes that should get a lot more attention. That fact became extremely obvious in my current edits. The first part of the book has very few places where I need to add detail or rewrite a scene. The second part of the book needs quite a bit more attention. I think my biggest sin has been thinking a problem can be resolved in a single effort. I should know better. Any problem I’ve ever faced has rarely been fixed […]
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