It’s Real!

Last week Friday I received the author’s copies of my debut novel, Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero. That alone was enough to make this a fantastic month. That encouraged me to finally build a Facebook group for the book (which I’ve been meaning to do for several months). I honestly have been dragging my feet on this because I haven’t been using Facebook much lately. When I have used the tool, I haven’t seen much in the way of reaction or response. I was really wondering if there was much point. I was absolutely blown away by how many people have commented and “Liked” the group page! I know I’ve talked about the fact that I’ve been worried about whether my book […]

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The FUD Factor

For those of you who have never heard of FUD, it stands for “Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt” and has long been a tool used to sell things or coerce people into making a decision. In my case, the FUD factor is more about the upcoming launch of my debut novel, Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero. Now that the book is done and totally out of my hands, those common doubts are surfacing: will people enjoy the story? will they even know the book exists? will it sell? I know of good, well-known authors who have done everything in their power to spread the word only to have their book fall flat sales-wise. It wasn’t a fault of the book, the cover or anything […]

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Guest Post – Books that Inspired – Finding New Horizons – by Christopher Walker

I was a fairly dense kid while growing up. I wasn’t stupid. I easily managed A’s and B’s throughout school. I just wasn’t very aware of anything outside of my own immediate interests. I wasn’t aspiring to anything. I just ducked my head, hoping I’d make it to the next day, and missed out on lots of pop culture as a result. When my brother got me my first adult novel for Christmas when I was fourteen, I didn’t even notice that it was the last book in a series. “Star Wars: X-wing: The Bacta War” ignited my love for space opera and fantasy. I felt like I could have been Corran Horn in another life. I loved the starfighter […]

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Get Published Episode 80 – Tad Williams has Options

Happy April Fools Day to those of you listening to this episode on the 1st. To the rest of you, I hope you had a fun April 1st. There has been a lot going on around here lately. I managed to finish the final set of revisions on my upcoming YA Novel, Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero. Next is layout and sending out Advanced Reader Copies for review. This is pins and needles time for me. I really hope people like it and give me lots of good reviews! Now that revising Mik is out of the way (at least temporarily), I’m back to work getting GalaxyBillies ready for submission. In the off chance that you are an editor, agent or […]

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