How Am I Doing In December After NaNoWriMo?

I know that solid, well-defined goals drive me forward. They give me a sense of urgency that is hard to ignore. I should have created solid, well-defined goals for December after my wildly successful November. Alas, I didn’t do that and my writing, while consistent, has suffered a little. My plan (note, I didn’t say “goal”) for December was to finish one book (needed about 6,000 words to do that) edit two books (one of them my NaNo novel) and continue work on a third. I did finish the one book. I have continued to work on the third book (so far adding about 6,000 words to it) and I’ve set myself up to edit one of the two. Not […]

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How I hope to sell my books

I’ve been thinking a lot about books and how they are being published. Probably very much like a lot of you are too. The publishing industry is undergoing some extremely big changes from the way authors are signed to books published and finally distributed and sold. It seems to me that there is a parallel to the huge format change (albeit a small one) that has me thinking in a certain direction. The parallel I’m thinking of is that of DVD to Blu-Ray. You may argue that the change in format was a minor thing. The DVD’s published under the old standard continue to hit the shelves and the Blu-Ray are starting to fill the niche. Sounds a little like […]

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Get Published Episode 16 (Special) – The Release of 7th Son is Nigh, A Chat with JC Hutchins

Hello Everyone. When I heard that JC Hutchins’ 7th Son, Descent was about to hit the bookstores I was excited. When JC put the call out for his street team to give him a leg up I knew I had to help so I invited Hutch to come back to the show to pimp his book. My expectation was that he would spend 20 – 30 minutes  to talk about the 7th Son Journey from manuscript to podcast to book. What I got was one of the most enjoyable discussions I’ve had about writing in quite a while. In the interest of full-disclosure, you will only hear about Hutch’s works in this episode. However, you will also get a sneak […]

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