Happy Towel Day

For those of you who aren’t aware, May 25th is Towel Day, an annual celebration and tribute to Douglas Adams. Douglas Adams, in case you grew up without access to great literature (okay, that was tongue-in-cheek, honest!), was the creator of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, one of my all-time favorite books. I can’t even guess how many times I have read HHGttG or how many difficult times it has helped me through but it taught me to laugh at myself and especially not to take myself too seriously (I AM the Irreverent Muse, after all). The Guide is one of the reasons I write humour. It is directly responsible for my podcast novel, Galaxybillies and one of the […]

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Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero ARCs now Available

Exciting news (for me anyway)! I received word yesterday that Advanced Reader Copies (in PDF) of Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero are now available. If you would be willing to do a review of the book, we would be happy to send you one. To get involved, please email  5 Rivers Chapmanry and let them know. (ARC at 5rivers dot org) I would dearly love to have your help spreading the word, so please don’t hesitate if you are interested. Thank you. -Michell

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What are you trying to say with your writing?

I don’t make a habit of trying to be controversial in my writing. I have stories I want to tell and I do that to the best of my ability. It wasn’t until a friend of mine pointed out that my stories tend to have some common themes that I was even aware of them. Now, before you ask me what the common themes are, I will tell you right now, I’m not saying. If you want to figure it out, there are ways to do it. But, for the record, this post isn’t about me for a change. Yes, I will still talk about myself. It IS my post, after all, but that still isn’t the point. 😉 So […]

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The Next Book

I have come face-to-face with something I had always hoped for but wasn’t sure would ever happen. That is, writing the next book in a series. Now, before I start sounding all new and everything, the truth is, I have written the first three books of the Mik Murdoch series. Even still, I wasn’t sure what the future of said books would ever be. In fact, I know books two and three are pretty rough so I have to do some serious rewrites. What is different, is there is now a need for those books. I actually have to take the time to ensure they are as good as they can be so they are publishable. That is the difference. […]

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