Balancing Writing and Life

I am always running into the conflict of life versus writing. No, they shouldn’t be mutally exclusive, but the time they both demand is often in short supply. Take this week, for example. I am preparing to take holidays so work is extremely busy while I try to tie off loose ends. I also have a book launch coming up August 1st AND I’ve still got my normal writing (Boyscouts of the Apocalypse), editing (Mad Scientist Handbook, Jane Kane novel, GalaxyBillies) and plotting (Mik Murdoch 2). You may have noticed, I didn’t even mention yardwork, house, podcasting and family (not in that order of importance). It feels very overwhelming. So much so, in fact, that I have to mentally block the […]

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Get Published Episode 86 – What Happens After Your Book is Accepted?

In today’s episode, I speak with my publisher, Lorina Stephens from 5 Rivers Publishing, about the journey a manuscript takes to publication once it has been accepted. You will get a much clearer understanding of why the process can be slow. We also talk about the direction of publishing and books sales. Apologies, but the interview audio is not quite as good as I like. I am also very pleased to have another Unorthodox Writing Tips from JR Murdock. This episode he talks about momentum.   I hope you enjoy the show. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 86 – What Happens After Your Book is Accepted? Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of […]

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Too Much of a Good Thing

Have you ever eaten something and it was so good that you overdid it? Hours later when you are groaning and uncomfortable you ask yourself what you were thinking? Often (not always) you go back and do it all over again several days/weeks/months later? There are days when my writing projects feel like that. I’m in a very good place creatively right now. I know all of these very smart, very clever people and new ideas are popping up all the time.  The problem is, I keep taking on new projects. It has gotten to the point where I’m almost afraid to list them because I overwhelm myself when I do it. Suffice it to say, I have two podcasting, three editing and […]

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