
What do you say when you have nothing to say at all? Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious, of course! (for those of you unfamiliar with Mary Poppins, the Disney Classic, that is where the reference comes from). Honestly, with everything that has been going on lately, I’m having difficulty focusing on one thing long enough to get anything done. I’m sure you have all been through similar times in your life. So, let me just give you an update on what I’ve been up to on the writing and podcasting front, instead. The BIG news is, my co-editor Jeff Hite and I have put our anthology,A Method to the Madness: A Guide to the Super Evilto bed. We are expecting layout to be complete […]

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Get Published Episode 96 – Marc Johnson & Remembrance

If you are listening to this on November 11th, chances are good that you have had some sort of a ceremony commemorating the end of World War 1. Here in Canada that takes the form of Remembrance Day. During the Tips and Typos section of the show, I spend a few moments commenting on what that means to me. I also have Marc Johnson on the show again. You may remember Marc from episode 64 when we talked about writing, podcasting, eBooks and self-publishing. On today’s show we talk about series writing. It was a fun conversation and we talked about tying books together and some of the challenges of writing a series. That’s today’s episode. I hope you enjoy […]

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Get Published Episode 95 – A Method to the Madness: Anthology Update

I’ve been on the road a fair amount the past few weeks and I have learned that the tools you use are critical to your creative success. There are plenty of applications that will allow you to stay in touch with home and keep your writing and podcasting moving forward. Things like Dropbox, Google docs, Skype and Logmein can really help. In today’s episode, Jeffrey Hite and I talk about the progress of our anthology, A Method to the Madness: A Guide to the Super Evil. We talk about the challenges, what has worked and what we have accomplished. JR Murdock also has another Unorthodox Writing Tips in the Tips and Typos. He discusses some tricks you can use to […]

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Shifting Priorities

Priorities are funny things. What is important today may not be quite so important tomorrow. Take, for example, Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero. If you were take a guess and say it is my HIGHEST priority right now, you would be bang on. Until I get this baby launched, nothing will even come close in importance to me. However, three years ago, it wasn’t really even on the radar. I was working on several other projects and Mik was on the shelf. Then a little matter of Five Rivers taking an interest in it and KABLAM! Mik jumped to the top of the priority list. That isn’t to say that I’m ignoring everything else. I haven’t missed an episode of Get […]

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