Gird Your Loins

I know I’ve talked about NanoWriMo before (last week in fact) but let me talk about it one more time. In 10 days NanoWriMo will once again take place. I will, once again, go into battle (with myself) and try to write a 50,000-word novel in 30 days. This will be my fourth year participating and last year I toiled with over 120,000 others. So what is NanoWriMo? As you may have guessed, the crux of NanoWriMo is to write a 50,000-word novel in 30 days. That equates to 1,667 words per day, every day for the month of November. But is that ALL NanoWriMo represents? I think not. NanoWriMo was started in 1999 by Chris Baty and some friends. […]

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Get Published Episode 15 – Interview with Tina Hunter

Hello Everyone. I met Tina Hunter at ConVersion 25 and had the chance to chat with her. She has a lot of interesting things to say and I am very pleased that she agreed to be on the show. In further news, the old voicemail number was cancelled so we now have a new one: 206.203.2031. Please give it a call and leave your comments and questions. Enjoy. Get Published, Episode 15 – Interview with Tina Hunter Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published, Episode 15 – Interview with Tina Hunter Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published” 0:14 — Introduction – Show #15 – Interview with Tina Hunter Welcome to the show. […]

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Gearing Up For the Next Project

The thing I’ve noticed about myself is I never have any shortage of ideas (probably like everyone else in the world). What I have a definite shortage of is time; lately I’ve been spending countless hours editing my novel and preparing each episode of my podcast. I enjoy doing both, but it isn’t quite the same as the thrill of starting anew story. That’s why it’s with a certain level of excitement that I begin looking forward to my next project. NanoWriMo is coming up in November and I have a story in mind. It is a sequel to the YA novel I wrote two years ago and I already know it’s going to be a lot of fun. I […]

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Stay Upbeat or Get Beat Up

It’s so easy to see why many writers simply give up on their dreams of getting their work in print: lots of hard work, excessive amounts of patience and no guarantee that it will ever go anywhere. It doesn’t seem like an easy road to success. Even if you are lucky enough to get published, there is still marketing and promotional work to be done and even that doesn’t ensure that your story will make it to the big time. Yup, pretty easy to understand why people give up. Let’s dwell on the negative for just a little longer before we put it behind us. If I’m any example of the typical writer at all, there are many other things […]

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