I talk a lot about writing and the many challenges I face in doing it. Sometimes I complain about how much time it takes or how I hate waiting. Bitch, bitch, bitch. It feels like that is all I do some days. I know I celebrate some of the triumphs but I just realized that I have sorely neglected to say two words to a number of very important people. Thank you. I talk about my obligations to my family all the time but I don’t think I’ve ever said just what my family has done to allow me to pursue this dream of mine. Let me fix that (major) oversight on my part. First and foremost, let me say […]
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Hours in the Day
Let me begin by saying this article is not going to be Michell’s whinefest. It may seem like it (at least early on) but it really isn’t. Honest. That old saying “There’s not enough hours in the day” is certainly feeling real to me lately. I have two big writing projects going on: editing my fantasy novel for submission and NanoWriMo. I’ve also got the podcast which takes up several hours per week (interviews, editing and mixing all take time) plus I’ve got the work and home commitments. I’ve pretty much given up on television, which makes me sad. So many great shows, no time. What this time crunch has done for me is given me the appreciation of using […]
Read moreThe Power of Promotion
For those of you who tuned into the site yesterday, you would have noticed a strange message. In it I appeared to be talking about NanoWriMo only to have a weird “hacker” type message appear. This was not a mistake. I had actually volunteered to participate in JC Hutchins’ promotional campaign for his “7th Son, Descent” book launch yesterday. The premise was as follows: one of JC’s characters in “7th Son” is a world-class computer hacker. Wouldn’t it be fun if several sites were “hacked” by the character for promotional purposes? The same idea was carried out on Twitter too. JC has always had innovative promotional ideas and I take notes every time he comes up with something new. Promotion […]
Read moreGet Published Episode 16 (Special) – The Release of 7th Son is Nigh, A Chat with JC Hutchins
Hello Everyone. When I heard that JC Hutchins’ 7th Son, Descent was about to hit the bookstores I was excited. When JC put the call out for his street team to give him a leg up I knew I had to help so I invited Hutch to come back to the show to pimp his book. My expectation was that he would spend 20 – 30 minutes to talk about the 7th Son Journey from manuscript to podcast to book. What I got was one of the most enjoyable discussions I’ve had about writing in quite a while. In the interest of full-disclosure, you will only hear about Hutch’s works in this episode. However, you will also get a sneak […]
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