I’ve been thinking about my involvement in social media, podcasting and general networking, specifically with a focus on how I hope it will help me get my work published. I’ve come to a conclusion and it is this: the people who podcast thinking it will get them published directly are missing the point. Now, if you’ve read any of my posts, you know that I rarely make inflammatory comments. It’s not that I’m afraid of starting controversy, but rather I just don’t care to do so. So why do I make one now (and yes, I know on the flame scale it still rates pretty low)? Let me put it this way; those of us who listen to podcasts know of at least […]
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GalaxyBillies – Episode 6
OK, I know it has been three weeks since the last episode of GalaxyBillies and for that I apologize. As you may (or may not) know, I sold a character spot for GB on TheBoomEffect. That spot was purchased by MegaDan Scholes. This is the first episode that his voice will appear. I created a special new spot for him that I think will be a lot of fun going forward. I’d love to hear what you think. In this episode the humans finally get off Sin Station (or do they?). We also find that the galaxy at large is starting to notice them. For better of worse, they are out there. I’m still waiting for suggestions around what you, […]
Read moreWhen Not to Write
For those of you who feel that writers must write always, don’t get up in arms thinking I’m espousing (how’s that for a $50-word?) a movement away from writing. What I’m talking about is only writing what’s relevant to the story. This question came up from friend Dan Absalonson via voicemail for ‘Get Published’ and the more I think about it, the more important it feels to me personally. Dan’s question, in a nutshell, was when should I be changing scenes and POV and how do I explain all that nitty gritty stuff that happens in between? Before I answer that, let me stage a bit of an example. The story is a typical fantasy quest story. Our heros have just […]
Read moreGet Published Episode 27 – Publisher/Author/Editor Carol Hightshoe Talks Writing
Today’s guest is Carol Hightshoe (http://www.carolhightshoe.com/). She has been published in various anthologies and magazines including “Creature Fantastic”, “Illuminated Manuscripts”, PanGaia Magazine, “Stories of Strength”, “The Stygian Soul”, Baen’s Universe, Tales of the Talisman and Beyond Centauri. She is also a contributing author to Dragon Moon Press’s “Complete Guide to Writing Science Fiction”. In addition to her own writing, she is the editor and publisher of the online e-zines: The Lorelei Signal and Sorcerous Signals She also runs her own micro-press – WolfSinger Publications. I’m also very pleased to announce that the show has a sponsor. Paulette Jaxton is sponsoring several episodes. Paulette purchased the spot as part of “The Boom Effect” auction. You can find out more at http://empresssword.com/. Thanks […]
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