The FUD Factor

For those of you who have never heard of FUD, it stands for “Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt” and has long been a tool used to sell things or coerce people into making a decision. In my case, the FUD factor is more about the upcoming launch of my debut novel, Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero. Now that the book is done and totally out of my hands, those common doubts are surfacing: will people enjoy the story? will they even know the book exists? will it sell? I know of good, well-known authors who have done everything in their power to spread the word only to have their book fall flat sales-wise. It wasn’t a fault of the book, the cover or anything […]

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Learning a New Skill

One of the skills I haven’t had to learn quite yet is how to market my books. Yes, I’ve been working for a long time to make the right contacts and I’ve been learning everything I can about building my author’s platform, but it isn’t the same. Marketing Mik Murdock, Boy Superhero when it is available is going to be something completely new. I’m really grateful this isn’t my publisher’s first rodeo. That takes some of the pressure off. I know when I ask what I can do and who I need to talk to Lorina will have answers for me. But, what should I be doing now in preparation? That’s the question that keeps me up at night. Should […]

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Crossing the Streams

I’ve blogged and podcast and Tweeted many times about networking and the importance of reaching out to meet new people. It is always very rewarding to meet new people and build those online relationships. It is even more cool (for me, anyway) when someone reaches out to me. For example, a few weeks back, K_A_Dewberry contacted me and told me she had found my podcast (Get Published) recently and had downloaded all the episodes and listened to them. She said she loved the show. Hearing that someone likes my podcast is very gratifying. Learning that they downloaded all fifty-four (at the time, I think) episodes and had done a marathon listen to them was outright stunning. I mean, the episodes […]

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