Get Published Episode 122 – Gail Carriger Talks Series Writing

One of the best things about going to conventions for me is getting the chance to talk to people. For example, 3-years ago at Balticon, I was lucky enough to meet and talk to Gail Carriger. The unfortunate part of that was, I met her on the very last day, at lunch, just prior to leaving for home. I took that opportunity to invite Gail onto Get Published and she graciously agreed to an interview. That was episode 47 which aired December 25th, 2010. Ever since that conversation, I have watched Gail’s career with interest, hoping that our paths would cross again one day. Imagine my delight when I learned that not only will Gail and I both be at […]

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Get Published Episode 112 – Life in Stories & Next Steps in Evil

I try to take events and mentally catalog them for use in future books. That’s one of the reasons I like to sit and watch people. It helps me to make the interactions in my stories more realistic. In this episode, I will be talking about taking life and translating it into stories in the tips and typos section. I am also pleased to have my co-editor, Jeff Hite on the show. We talk about A Method to the Madness: A Guide to the Super Evil and some of the things we have been and will be doing to promote it. We also talk about some related, planned projects and how you can get involved. That’s today’s episode. I hope […]

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Get Published Episode 93 – Putting Experiences into Your Writing

I’ve been thinking a lot lately, about how my own experiences have affected my writing. I have looked at several of my better stories and I have been able to pick out things I’ve learned, people I have known and even different events in my life. That is not to say I’ve recorded those things in the stories, but used the experiences to provide flavour to the writing. Definitely not word for word, but more in how they would cause my characters to act and the story to develop. So, I decided it would be fun to have a few people join me to discuss this. As often happens, I was only able to line up the schedule with a […]

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Happy Towel Day

For those of you who aren’t aware, May 25th is Towel Day, an annual celebration and tribute to Douglas Adams. Douglas Adams, in case you grew up without access to great literature (okay, that was tongue-in-cheek, honest!), was the creator of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, one of my all-time favorite books. I can’t even guess how many times I have read HHGttG or how many difficult times it has helped me through but it taught me to laugh at myself and especially not to take myself too seriously (I AM the Irreverent Muse, after all). The Guide is one of the reasons I write humour. It is directly responsible for my podcast novel, Galaxybillies and one of the […]

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