Get Published Episode 96 – Marc Johnson & Remembrance

If you are listening to this on November 11th, chances are good that you have had some sort of a ceremony commemorating the end of World War 1. Here in Canada that takes the form of Remembrance Day. During the Tips and Typos section of the show, I spend a few moments commenting on what that means to me. I also have Marc Johnson on the show again. You may remember Marc from episode 64 when we talked about writing, podcasting, eBooks and self-publishing. On today’s show we talk about series writing. It was a fun conversation and we talked about tying books together and some of the challenges of writing a series. That’s today’s episode. I hope you enjoy […]

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Get Published Episode 89 – Crowd Sourcing

I don’t know if any of you have ever noticed, but success is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you are achieving things you have worked on for a long time. On the other hand, you suddenly have a lot more to do with those achievements and less for everything else. That has definitely been the case for me. Since the final revisions for Mik Murdoch began in earnest, I have had less time for podcasting, writing, television and a host of other things that I enjoy. The only ones I have worked hard not to neglect are my family. Without them, there is no point writing. I foolishly thought that when the revisions were complete I would have […]

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Get Published Episode 74 – The Fine Art of Collaboration

Happy New Year! As you know, I’ve been working on a novel with JRMurdock. Our work together is my first time collaborating with another auther and it has been a real learning experience. Both JR and I have had questions about collaborating from various people so we thought it would be helpful if we talk about our experiences. You will hear more in the main section of the show. I’ve also been looking at my to-do list for 2012. It’s a pretty long one and I will be challenged to complete it. In the tips and typos section, I will be talking about the various projects and how I plan to complete them all. This episode marks the third anniversary […]

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