One of the best things about going to conventions for me is getting the chance to talk to people. For example, 3-years ago at Balticon, I was lucky enough to meet and talk to Gail Carriger. The unfortunate part of that was, I met her on the very last day, at lunch, just prior to leaving for home. I took that opportunity to invite Gail onto Get Published and she graciously agreed to an interview. That was episode 47 which aired December 25th, 2010. Ever since that conversation, I have watched Gail’s career with interest, hoping that our paths would cross again one day. Imagine my delight when I learned that not only will Gail and I both be at […]
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Get Published Episode 109 – Is JR Murdock a Super Genius or Merely Insane?
JR Murdock, who has done Unorthodox Writing Tips for the show and who also has collaborated on a couple projects with me has, what I consider to be, a crazy goal. He wants to self-publish 28 books in the next 24 months. We talk about his plans and what he has learned about self-publishing. I also have a book review of Lorina Stephens’ Historical Fiction Novel, Shadow Song. That’s today’s episode, but before we get started I wanted to mention that I will be at Balticon this year from May 24th to 27th. If you are also going to attend, please look me up and say ‘hello’. That’s today’s episode. I hope you enjoy it. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening […]
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