Get Published Episode 102 – Nicole Chardenet Brings Laughs to Love

You may not know this, but I have been looking for guests who write outside the normal featured genres on Get Published. Traditionally, I have had lots of Science Fiction and Fantasy writers with the occasional Horror person thrown in for good measure. This hasn’t been done to exclude all the other genres, I promise you. It is more about who I know in the writing field than any effort to exclude anyone. That means, I haven’t been networking outside my own chosen genre as well as I should. That is a shame because ALL writers have something to share about their own publishing journeys, market differences and even the various tropes that are inherent to their own genres of […]

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Get Published Episode 90 – Tee and Pip Collaborate

90 episodes and still going. When I started planning Get Published almost four years ago, I never thought it would last this long. But it has and I am very proud of the show and all the wonderful people I have the chance to talk to as part of it. I have to admit, the past while I’ve been wondering if it is time to end Get Published. I’ve been feeling a little worn down at times and it just feels like one project too many. Still, a lot has happened to me since I started and Get Published is responsible for at least some of my writing success. Because of the show, I have talked with people who have […]

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Variety is the Spice of Life

A little while ago I posed the question: should I focus on a single series or write a number of different things. I received several responses to my question, all of which I appreciated. The general consensus was that I shouldn’t limit myself, but write a number of different things. By doing so I stretch my writing muscles and I give myself the best chance to appeal to a larger group of people. While I was considering the question myself I also came to the conclusion that not only should I write in multiple genres, but I should write many different things beyond that. For example, I write this post every week which allows me to express myself in one […]

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Holiday Brain

All I can say is “Whoops!” With everything that’s been going on I almost forgot my weekly post. “What’s been going on?” you ask. Well, for one, I’m going on two weeks of vacation starting Saturday. That in itself isn’t what is distracting me. It’s all the OTHER things I’m trying to get out of the way before I go. For example, I had Episode 8 of ‘Get Published’ to finish and get into the feed. Then I had a promo to write, record and mix. AND the podcast was nominated for a Parsec Award which means I needed to mix a 10-minute sample episode for the judges. And I’ve still got to record Episode 9 (I’m not expecting to […]

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