Get Published Episode 67 – Jack Whyte Talks About Agents, Publishers and Editors

There are several authors I have always wanted to talk to. Anne McCaffrey, Terry Pratchett and Jack Whyte are all at the top of the list. When I heard Jack Whyte was going to be at the “When Words Collide” conference, I hoped to be able to talk to him there. I was blown away when he actually agreed to appear on “Get Published”. Jack has been a published author for more than 20 years and I am a huge fan.  Jack had a lot of things to say about agents, publishers and the editing process. It was a great interview, but longer than most. That being the case, this episode will not have a tips and typos section. I […]

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Get Published Episode 50 – Self Publishing Has Reached a Tipping Point Pt. 2

Episode 50 is finally here and the second part of the interview is now available. I’ve got to say, the last two years of podcasting have been wonderful. I have learned so much I know I made the right choice when I posted that first episode (even though it was pretty rough). In this episode we, of course, get to hear the second part of Robin’s very enlightening talk about eBooks, self-publishing and online marketing. CA Marshall also spends some time educating us on editors. It’s a great show that I am so proud of for my 50th. Enjoy. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 50 – Self Publishing Has Reached a Tipping Point Pt. 2 Everything […]

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Get Published Episode 46 – Jaym Gates & Erika Holt talk Anthologies

I first met Jaym Gates and Erika Holt via Twitter. Jaym started out as a writer, added reporting, administrating and promotional work and then made a joke on twitter that led to her becoming an editor. Erika writes speculative fiction, is an intern for award winning anthologist Jennifer Brozek and reads slush for Scape, the e-zine of YA speculative fiction. Both ladies have a lot of great things to say about putting together an anthology including common mistakes writers make and why some stories are chosen while others are not. In the feedback section, I have a question from DanDanTheArtMan about podcasting my stories and what I’ve learned. Thanks for listening. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode […]

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Writing Should Be Treated as a Business

Before I go too far into this post, I want to explain something about the title. The post is intended for those people who want to make a living as a writer. For those of you who write for the pure enjoyment of it, you can ignore most of what I’m about to say. For the rest of you… well, read on. The first thing we writers need to realize is that publishers, editors and agents are people just like us. They love, they have lives and, most importantly, they need the same essentials we do in order to survive. That usually means a requirement for money of some type. If they are professional publishers/editors/agents they must earn money through […]

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