Get Published Episode 113 – Self Publishing with Scott Roche

I have been thinking of self-publishing some of my books more and more the past few months. When I heard that friend and fellow author Scott Roche was releasing yet another book via self-publishing, I knew I had to pick his brain. And what better place to do that than on Get Published so I can share his wisdom with you? We had a terrific conversation that went much longer than my normal interviews. That being the case, I’ve decided to forgo the normal tips and typos section this episode. We talk about covers, editing, layout, distribution and promotion. It has only helped to fuel my desire to self-publish. I hope you get as much out of it as I […]

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Get Published Episode 107 – Michael R Fletcher – Lessons of a First-time Author

On today’s show I have Michael R Fletcher. Michael is a writer, rock n’ roller, sound engineer and dad. He has had several short stories published and is about to release his first novel through Five Rivers Publishing. We talk about first time books, writing and what it’s like to be an unknown writer. I also talk about a question I receive quite often. It’s one most published authors have likely heard at some point in their careers. Namely, “how much did you have to pay the publisher to get your book published.” It’s a question I have some strong feelings about, especially with some trends in publishing I’ve noticed recently. That’s today’s episode. I hope you enjoy it. Show […]

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Get Published Episode 104 – Red Tuque Books Does Distribution

On today’s show I have David Korinetz who is the owner of Red Tuque Books. Red Tuque Books is a book distributor in Canada. David and I talk about book distribution and some of the challenges small presses face. I also talk about book reviews. Why they are important and how I personally handle them. That’s today’s episode. I hope you enjoy it.   Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 104 – Red Tuque Books Does Distribution Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published” 00:14 — Introduction – Get Published Episode 104 – Red Tuque Books Does Distribution (continued) Welcome to the show. 00:47 Promo: BabylonPodcast 01:49 -Tips and Typos Mike talks about deadlines. 07:40 […]

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Follow the Dots

There are times when I think I am a bit slow. There are other times when I KNOW I am, but that is a story for another time. As you well know, I talk about networking…a LOT! What I haven’t really mentioned is that when you meet one person, it is a great idea to also learn who they know. Allow me to illustrate my point. A few weeks ago, I received an email from Ian at Deux Voiliers Publishing. He had stumbled acrossGet Publishedand asked if I would be interested in interviewing some of Deux Voiliers’ authors. I am always looking for guest so I said yes. I also asked him if he would appear so I could get […]

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