Building Worlds Takes More Than One Book

Building Worlds Takes More Than One Book I have heard of people spending hours and hours doing nothing but building worlds for their characters to play in. They sacrifice time creating those actual characters and creating stories for them to exist in all for the sake of a more detailed legal system or better rules of magic or whatever. I suspect, for those people, the fun of creation is such that the actual story writing might be a chore. Sort of like being the Dungeon Master (DM) versus the Campaign Party (CP) in DnD. The DM creates the dungeon and all of its inherent challenges and rewards. The DM loves torturing and making the characters work. The CP meanwhile, is […]

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What to Write, What to Write?

I’ve been thinking a lot about my writing the past few days. Not thinking about it in terms of “Why am I bothering” or anything like that. More about “Am I going in too many different directions?” To give you some idea of what I’m talking about, I have written six books with one underway. One is an adult, traditional fantasy, one is a YA mystery adventure (coming out soon), one is a science fiction comedy and three are YA superhero (same series). Now I’m working on a collaboration project that is a YA steampunk superhero mashup (with JR Murdock). If you were counting, that is five different storylines/series. Granted, the traditional fantasy may never see the light of day, […]

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Get Published Episode 54 – Lorna Suzuki – Self-Published Success

Hello Everyone and thank you for joining me. In this week’s episode of Get Published I had the pleasure of speaking with Lorna Suzuki. Lorna Suzuki is a full-time scriptwriter specializing in biographic documentaries for TV. She is also the author of both the Imago series and the new Young Adult Fantasy series, The Dream Merchant Saga. If that weren’t enough, she has over 25-years of experience in various forms of martial arts and is a 4-dan practitioner and instructor of Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu. I also did a review of Terry Pratchett’s latest release, “I Shall Wear Midnight”, another tale of Tiffany Aching and the Nac Mac Feegle. Finally, I talk a little about my own writing projects. I hope you […]

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Writing Humor

I’m working on a project right now that is stretching my brain and moving me into territories both unfamiliar and daunting. I am trying (note the word “Trying”) to write a Science Fiction Comedy. I love comedy writing whether it is Terry Pratchett’s “Discworld” series (yes, I know it is parody. It’s still funny), or Douglas Adams ‘Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’ or even Robert Asprin’s “Myth Inc.” series. Comedy writing is some of my favorite to read. It is also the reason I chose the title that I did for my blog. But, darn it, it is a LOT harder to write than I thought. I’m about 5,000 words into the project so far. I’ve got detailed character sketches, most […]

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