Get Published Episode 129 – David Laderoute

I had the privilege to talk to David Laderoute. David is a Geologist, retired Lieutenant Colonel from the Canadian Army Reserves, entrepreneur and a writer. He has several short stories in print in various small press publications and has written extensively for role-playing games. He is active on Wattpad and his debut novel, Out of Time was released by Five Rivers Publishing in December of 2013. We had a great conversation that I think you will get a lot out of. I’ve also been working my way through first revisions of Mik Murdoch: The Power Within for my editor for almost two months now. I won’t deny that I find revisions to be somewhat grueling. You need to consider what […]

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Get Published Episode 117 – Seeing Through the Eyes of a Child

Last episode you got to listen to a panel on writing for middle grade and young adult readers. This episode, I would like to present my final panel titled, Looking through the eyes of a child. This is, as you can probably tell, another young adult genre panel. We talked about how we capture the YA voice, write for different genders and a host of other things. I actually consider this to be one of the best panels I was on during When Words Collide and I think you will get a lot from it. I hope you enjoy our discussion. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 117 – Seeing Through the Eyes of a Child Everything has […]

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