Get Published Episode 107 – Michael R Fletcher – Lessons of a First-time Author

On today’s show I have Michael R Fletcher. Michael is a writer, rock n’ roller, sound engineer and dad. He has had several short stories published and is about to release his first novel through Five Rivers Publishing. We talk about first time books, writing and what it’s like to be an unknown writer. I also talk about a question I receive quite often. It’s one most published authors have likely heard at some point in their careers. Namely, “how much did you have to pay the publisher to get your book published.” It’s a question I have some strong feelings about, especially with some trends in publishing I’ve noticed recently. That’s today’s episode. I hope you enjoy it. Show […]

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Get Published Episode 40 – Getting to Know Jennifer Rahn

Jennifer Rahn is the author of two novels, The Longevity Thesis and Wicked Initiations, and has two short stories published or accepted; the first is ElectroFunkSepukku, which appeared in Dragon Moon’s Podthology, and the second is Metal Rat and the Brand New Jungle, which is slated to appear in the inaugural edition of Space Puppet Press’ Strange Worlds anthology. She wrote her first novel, The Longevity Thesis, while in grad school and vehemently denies that her graduate supervisors resemble in any way, the villain of her novel — it’s just for fun. She’s still academically active and enjoys writing and kickboxing when not in the lab. She talks about her books, how she fits her writing into a life that […]

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