Where do I begin?

Where do I begin? Those words ran through my mind as I prepared to write my first post in months. It isn’t like I haven’t thought about posting. Honest. But, I haven’t posted. I’ve been working on a variety of things, most not writing related unfortunately. There are the normal family activities, maintenance activities, work and volunteering. Note, I said most were not writing related. Not all. I have a project nearing completion that I am more excited about than any book I can think of. I have my first children’s picture book ready for release in February. Why am I so excited about this book? That is a question I ask myself regularly.  There are two reasons that come […]

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I haven’t done a proper update in a while so I thought today might be a good opportunity to do so. Here goes: Jack Kane and the Statue of Liberty – due to some life issues, the book will now be released in June of this year. JR Murdock and I are currently going through the ARC for final proofing. Once this one is available, JR and I will be working on the sequel to it. Most likely writing of sequel will begin in June. Mik Murdoch 3 – now titled Mik Murdoch: Crisis of Conscience, the first draft is complete. I am doing a thorough edit of the book (which is under contract to Five Rivers Publishing, btw) and […]

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