Book Stores have Changed

I know this probably doesn’t come as any revelation to any of you, but the modern book store is much different than stores of yesteryear. I was sitting in an Indigo store (Canadian book chain) and it was very interesting to see how things have changed. Since the inception of coffee shops in bookstores, the entire dynamic is different. Books hold less of a central spot in the store. Toys, games and assorted items are now for sale. But why? After a day in the store, I think I can start to put my finger on it. Friends and families are now going to book stores as a central meeting place. The adults sit and visit and drink coffee while […]

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A Change is as Good as a Rest

Okay, the above title is not always true. Sometimes a change can be very detrimental. Like, if you go from an employed state to unemployed. Still, I think the inherent meaning of the saying has a lot of truth. In essence, sometimes when you are stuck in a rut, doing something different can help you to move forward and start getting things done again. That is actually both the benefit and the disadvantage to having multiple projects on the go all the time. The benefit: when you get stuck on a piece of the project, you can move on to a different project. The disadvantage is, you can avoid the problem you have been dealing with. Take my WIP, Mik […]

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Change is Inevitable

We all live in change and it can be both a good and bad thing. For example, my daughter is off to University this week. Yes, I capitalized “University” on purpose to emphasize what a big change it will be both for her and for me. It wouldn’t be such a big deal if she was going to school here, but she isn’t. She is going to a school that is a few hours away (it could be worse). This will be the first time she is away from home and, while I know it will be a great experience for her, it will leave a big gap in the house for me. I know. Boo hoo, right? 😉 But […]

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