Some Interesting links – January 29, 2011

I have the great privilege of following a lot of very creative, smart people on Twitter. Those people often have very good advice and blog posts on a regular basis and it (finally) occurred to me that I should be sharing their wisdom. So, I will be putting a post out every week of the things I’ve seen that I think are useful. Keep in mind, these are simply some of the things I’ve seen over the past few days. I’m sure there are plenty of things I’ve missed. Let me know if I should keep this up. HOW TO SUB QUERIES & FULL MS IN THE DIGITAL AGE (Jill Corcoran – What is Steampunk? (Ministry of Peculiar […]

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Get Published Episode 32 – The Importance of Agents: A Conversation with CA Marshall

I had the opportunity to talk with Author, Freelance Editor and Literary Agency Intern CA (Cassandra) Marshall. We talked about the importance of agents to authors and a few other things too. It was a great conversation that I’m sure you’ll enjoy. I didn’t get any questions or feedback for this episode so I thought it would be nice to give you all a view of my own personal plan to publication. I talk about my four main tactics and the success I’ve had so far. Thanks for listening. -Michell Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 32 – The Importance of Agents: A Conversation with CA Marshall Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start […]

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