Get Published Episode 87 – Brand Gamblin Talks Self Publishing

Today’s episode is a bit of a departure for Get Published. Ordinarily, you will hear promos from various people or podcasts. You will get a Tips and Typos section about a topic and finally an interview with one of my special guests. You will still be getting all of those things, but today, they will all be related to Brand Gamblin. For those of you who do not know Brand, he is a self-published author of three novels currently, some of which are podcast. He also has several short stories published. Why am I dedicating an episode to Brand? I guess my best answer is “Why not?” He has a number of great things to say and talks at length […]

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Get Published Episode 58 – Scott Roche, Editor & Self-Published Author

Hello, my friends. As you may know I’m self publishing a book in the coming weeks. I’ve heard from some of you looking for more information on self publishing so I’ve made a point to have more guests who have self publishing experience. This episode I will continue in that vein with a great interview with Scott Roche. Scott is one of the editors with Flying Island Press and has come out with a self published version of his book Ginny Dare, Crimson Sand in both paper and eBook formats. I’ve also had a question come up on both Twitter and my blog from two difference people. That makes it too timely to ignore, so in today’s tips and typos section […]

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