I try to take events and mentally catalog them for use in future books. That’s one of the reasons I like to sit and watch people. It helps me to make the interactions in my stories more realistic. In this episode, I will be talking about taking life and translating it into stories in the tips and typos section. I am also pleased to have my co-editor, Jeff Hite on the show. We talk about A Method to the Madness: A Guide to the Super Evil and some of the things we have been and will be doing to promote it. We also talk about some related, planned projects and how you can get involved. That’s today’s episode. I hope […]
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The Second Book in a Series
I was chatting with an author friend and we were comparing notes about writing the second book in a series. He talked about the pressure he is feeling while writing the next book in the series. As we were comparing notes, I realized that we both have been experiencing the same things even though our genres are quite different – he is writing Science Fiction and I am writing YA Adventure. So what exactly are these pressures that we are feeling? Well let me list them in no particular order. I’ve got to make the second book better than the first. You might think this silly because if that is a pressure with each book in a series, eventually you […]
Read moreMake Them Work for It
I realized yesterday that I hadn’t spoken about the craft of writing for a while when I ran up against something I learned while revising Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero. So, with that timely event, I thought it might prove interesting to talk about characters. Specifically about making your characters work for their victories. One of the mistakes I made when writing Mik Murdoch was I often made things too easy for him. I would throw a problem at him and, knowing how I wanted it to turn out, Mik would get to the resolution with little trouble or effort. I don’t know about you, but when I succeed at something, it is usually through a series of trial-and-error type events. My editor, […]
Read moreGet Published Episode 110 – Ed Robertson Talks Self-Publishing and What Book Rankings Mean
I don’t know about you, but I have always wondered about the book rankings that show up on Book sites like Kobo and Amazon. What does it really mean if a book has a ranking of 60,000? On today’s show, I talk to someone who has had some luck deciphering what those rankings truly mean. We also talk about his experiences in self-publishing and the strategies he has seen and used to be successful. I also talk about conventions since, as this episode drops, I will be at Balticon in Hunt Valley, Maryland. I talk about what you as a convention goer should be doing while attending the various conventions, both literary and other out there. That’s today’s episode. I […]
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