Guest Post – Books that Inspired – Finding New Horizons – by Christopher Walker

I was a fairly dense kid while growing up. I wasn’t stupid. I easily managed A’s and B’s throughout school. I just wasn’t very aware of anything outside of my own immediate interests. I wasn’t aspiring to anything. I just ducked my head, hoping I’d make it to the next day, and missed out on lots of pop culture as a result. When my brother got me my first adult novel for Christmas when I was fourteen, I didn’t even notice that it was the last book in a series. “Star Wars: X-wing: The Bacta War” ignited my love for space opera and fantasy. I felt like I could have been Corran Horn in another life. I loved the starfighter […]

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Get Published Episode 31 – A Chat with Author, Podcaster & DMP Art Director Alex White

In this episode we talk to author, podcaster and Dragon Moon Press Art Director Alex White about his writing and his work for Dragon Moon Press creating covers for their artists. I also talk about the merit of merit badges and there is a new eMagazine in town: Flying Island Press is currently accepting submissions. And don’t forget to visit Paulette Jaxton at Paulette purchased a sponsorship as part of the Boom Effect auction. Even if she hadn’t I would recommend her podcast. It is well worth listening to. Thanks for listening. -Michell Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 31 – A Chat with Author, Podcaster & DMP Art Director Alex White Everything has to start somewhere […]

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That’s All She Wrote

Well, I have managed to win NaNoWriMo again for another year and as has been the case in each of the past three NaNo’s I learned something new about writing and about myself. I set myself a pretty ambitious goal this year. I wanted to get my 50,000 words completed by November 20th. That didn’t quite happen. The actual date of completion was November 22nd instead. Not quite what I planned but this NaNo had something others did not: days when I didn’t actually write. Yes, its true. I had a few things come up where I was on the road without time to write. I think the total non-writing days this year was three so, in theory, I actually […]

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