Word on the Street

I have seen other writers have a great deal of success with word-of-mouth promotion. Essentially, one person tells two people (or more) about a new book who in turn tell two people (or more) about the new book  and so on. This is known as viral marketing or having a street team and it is easily one of the best ways I have seen to grow book sales. So, how does one go about making this happen? That is a question I (and I suspect, many others) have asked. I have come to the conclusion that all the planning in the world will not cause this to happen. I truly believe that the only way it will ever come to […]

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Guest Post – Books that Inspired – A Classic and a Fairy Tale by Starla Huchton

I read a lot growing up. As I was “the weird, poor kid”, it often felt like my only reprieve from the constant assault of my peers was the escape I found in stories. But they weren’t just hiding places for me, they were where I could make discoveries about myself, form opinions about the broader world around me, and get the one thing I was lacking more often than not: hope. It’s probably not surprising then that I love Alexandre Dumas’ THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO. It’s one of the few books I’ve read more than once. I discovered it in high school, maybe my sophomore year. There’s so much to love about that book; it wasn’t simply about […]

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