Change is Inevitable

We all live in change and it can be both a good and bad thing. For example, my daughter is off to University this week. Yes, I capitalized “University” on purpose to emphasize what a big change it will be both for her and for me. It wouldn’t be such a big deal if she was going to school here, but she isn’t. She is going to a school that is a few hours away (it could be worse). This will be the first time she is away from home and, while I know it will be a great experience for her, it will leave a big gap in the house for me. I know. Boo hoo, right? 😉 But […]

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GalaxyBillies – Episode 4

Hi Everyone, Things didn’t go so well for Zeke in the last episode but what about the other humans? Jim Bob seemed to just fall off the face of the station when Zeke ran out and who knows what trouble Betty Sue, Carol Anne and Bobby John can get into? Listen in and find out. And when you’re done, you can call my voicemail line at 206.203.2031 or leave me a comment here or email me at galaxybilly at irreverentmuse dot com. Maybe even  take a moment to leave a rating and comment on iTunes. You will now find a GalaxyBilly feed there. Don’t make me beg now, ya hear!

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