Adventure Doesn’t Always Equal Danger

I have come to the realization that having an adventure doesn’t necessary mean being in danger. Case in point is my trip to the World Scout Jamboree in Japan. At no point in the trip was I ever really in danger although attending the jamboree along with the pre-camp and stay with a Tokyo family was definitely the adventure of a lifetime. (You could argue, I suppose, that being on an airplane for 14 and 12 hours respectively constitutes danger, but really?) Granted, some adventures ARE dangerous. Climbing Mount Everest is most definitely dangerous AND an adventure. Going up and then down a slide for the very first time is also an adventure (and possibly dangerous if child has no […]

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Get Published Episode 108 – From Television Producer to Writing About Human Trafficking

On today’s show I have Derek Williams. Derek is a television producer, director and novelist. We talk about his new book, The Disillusioned as well as his day job in television. Derek gave me the opportunity to read his book, which is about human trafficking. I give a review of the novel in the Tips and Typos section. That’s today’s episode. I hope you enjoy it. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 108 – From Television Producer to Writing About Human Trafficking Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published” 00:14 — Introduction – Get Published Episode 108 – From Television Producer to Writing About Human Trafficking (continued) Welcome to the show. 01:11 Promo: Walk the […]

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As you may know, I have a book under contract with Five Rivers Publishing. That particular book is scheduled for release next year. I also have several other books written that I haven’t quite decided what to do with yet. For example, my very first novel, a traditional sword and sorcery fantasy hasn’t had a great deal of success finding a publisher. The people who have read it liked it, but it hasn’t found a home yet. I’m considering a few options. The first is to podcast it as is. The second is to rewrite it and podcast it. The third is to self-publish as is and the forth… well, that’s the thing. I could keep going. The reason for […]

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