Get Published Episode 116 – Writing for Middle Grade and Young Adult

I attended the 2013 edition of When Words Collide on the weekend of August 9th to 11th. I was on several panels where we had the chance to discuss writing in ways. On today’s episode, I will be playing back one of the panels, specifically a panel about Writing for MG and YA audiences. The panelists were Shirlee Smith Matheson, DK Snape and myself. We had to compete with active air conditioners so there are spots where the sound quality isn’t fantastic. Still, the conversation was a good one that I hope you can take something away from. I know I will be trying a few of the different techniques we discussed in later books. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening […]

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What do you say when you have nothing to say at all? Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious, of course! (for those of you unfamiliar with Mary Poppins, the Disney Classic, that is where the reference comes from). Honestly, with everything that has been going on lately, I’m having difficulty focusing on one thing long enough to get anything done. I’m sure you have all been through similar times in your life. So, let me just give you an update on what I’ve been up to on the writing and podcasting front, instead. The BIG news is, my co-editor Jeff Hite and I have put our anthology,A Method to the Madness: A Guide to the Super Evilto bed. We are expecting layout to be complete […]

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Seeing Through New Eyes

I attended my first writing convention as a published author last weekend. I have heard other writers say how everything changes once you are published so I wasn’t sure what to expect. While there were subtle differences in the way people I know treated me (greeted several times as a “world-famous author”), people who did not know me treated me much the same. That is, until they learned I was a published author. Then they had lots of questions. Even so, not much different. What was different was the way I saw things. I now had a book to promote and sell. I had to be “on” all the time. It was both exhilarating and exhausting at the same time. […]

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Get Published Episode 88 – Michell Plested Does A Reading

I have been talking about my upcoming debut novel, Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero for months now and it is now about to be released. The actual release date is scheduled for August 1, 2012. I thought it would be nice to share some of the book I’ve worked so hard to bring to you. So today, instead of an interview, you will be getting a reading of chapter 1 by me. I’m also very lucky to have another Unorthodox Writing Tip from JRMurdock. This time he talks about the fact that he doesn’t know what you know. That’s today’s episode. I hope you enjoy it. Show Notes 00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 88 – Michell Plested Does A Reading […]

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