
What do you say when you have nothing to say at all? Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious, of course! (for those of you unfamiliar with Mary Poppins, the Disney Classic, that is where the reference comes from). Honestly, with everything that has been going on lately, I’m having difficulty focusing on one thing long enough to get anything done. I’m sure you have all been through similar times in your life. So, let me just give you an update on what I’ve been up to on the writing and podcasting front, instead. The BIG news is, my co-editor Jeff Hite and I have put our anthology,A Method to the Madness: A Guide to the Super Evilto bed. We are expecting layout to be complete […]

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Seeing Through New Eyes

I attended my first writing convention as a published author last weekend. I have heard other writers say how everything changes once you are published so I wasn’t sure what to expect. While there were subtle differences in the way people I know treated me (greeted several times as a “world-famous author”), people who did not know me treated me much the same. That is, until they learned I was a published author. Then they had lots of questions. Even so, not much different. What was different was the way I saw things. I now had a book to promote and sell. I had to be “on” all the time. It was both exhilarating and exhausting at the same time. […]

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Shifting Priorities

Priorities are funny things. What is important today may not be quite so important tomorrow. Take, for example, Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero. If you were take a guess and say it is my HIGHEST priority right now, you would be bang on. Until I get this baby launched, nothing will even come close in importance to me. However, three years ago, it wasn’t really even on the radar. I was working on several other projects and Mik was on the shelf. Then a little matter of Five Rivers taking an interest in it and KABLAM! Mik jumped to the top of the priority list. That isn’t to say that I’m ignoring everything else. I haven’t missed an episode of Get […]

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Get Published Episode 78 – Anne Toole and Clarion West

I am very excited to announce the arrivial of The Action Pack Podcast. I’ve listened and read all three stories and I think they are great. Mind you, one of them is mine, so I’m probably just a little bit biased. The stories are also available as a monthly eMagazine that is available for $0.99. You can find out more at In this episode, my special guest, Anne Toole and I, talk about Clarion West. I’ve heard lots about the Clarion and Clarion West programs over the years and it was great to hear about it from someone who has experienced it. My friend and co-author, JR Murdock also lends his own unique perspective on writing with another Unorthodox […]

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