2018 has been a topsy turvy one. On the one hand, I’ve had to deal with an ailing parent. On the other, my daughter got married and I saw the third and final installment of Scouts of the Apocalypse (Zombie Masters) published.
I think, all things considered, that I will call this year a draw; I can’t call it a win and, since I’m still moving forward, I won’t call it a loss either.
Book sales for 2018 reached an all-time high, which is a good trend. Unfortunately, all-time high does not equate to going full-time as a writer. Not yet anyway. I still have a lot of work to do before that happens. But, it is a step in the right (write?) direction.
Looking Toward 2019
2019 already shows promise too. The sequel to Jack Kane and the Statue of Liberty (Jack Kane and the Kaiser) is schedule for publication in March. JR Murdock and I are already talking about writing book three in 2019 and I’m in edits for Mik Murdoch 4 (still untitled) scheduled for release in July.
I’m also going to start a newsletter to try and do a better job of keeping you, my readers, informed as to what’s going on with my books and writing.
That seems like enough for the year, right? Well, I’m also going to figure out my next writing project. Hopefully, one of the submissions I sent out last year will pan out and the decision will be made for me. If not, I’ve got plenty of other books to write – some in areas I’ve written before and some in totally new genres.
Whatever happens, I think it will be a busy, fulfilling year. I hope you will stick around and see what comes next.
And before I close off, Happy New Year to you all. May your 2019 be filled with blessings.