Just shy of a year ago, I announced the publication of my first novel Island of Lost Forevers. Real life has presented some real challenges since then (such as moving across an ocean and a continent), but I’m finally ready to share my novel’s sequel with you. In fact, the book’s release will coincide with my original cover reveal; how’s that for synergy?
Without further ado, I’m pleased to introduce:

It’s been eight years since Damian struck Sentomoru dead. The island flourishes under Catilen’s rule, but Damian can’t escape the former lord’s shadow. It taints the rivers, trees and flowers. It haunts him keenest in the form of Catilen’s seven-year-old daughter, Morulin. Damian wants desperately to be a part of her life, but fears rejection when she learns the truth about her father’s death.
Catilen dismisses Damian’s anxieties, claiming the dead can cause no harm. But when both she and her daughter admit to dreaming of Sentomoru’s presence, Damian’s fears resurge. Neither he, nor his wife, can claim complete knowledge of the complex magic governing their island home. However irrational, he can’t shake the fear his struggle against Kenjiro Sentomoru is far from over.
Once again it was co-written by James Abendroth of Blackguard Press, and receives its fabulous cover from the lovely Beth Alvarez! Crossroads of Frozen Eternity will be available on as many e-book platforms as possible on Tuesday April 21st!

If you’re interested in being notified when the book goes live, please sign up for my Newsletter. In the meantime, you can check out Island of Lost Forevers. Or read the first three chapters free on Wattpad.

Best Regards,
~Megan Cutler