I won’t deny that I have had some hard days since I was laid off in November. Like many of you, I find some of my identity in what I do. Prior to November 14th my identity included being gainfully employed. After, it didn’t.
I remember telling myself that this was the perfect opportunity to get some writing done and it is. I just haven’t quite developed the routine to do so. I’m working on it though.
Things have started to turn around the past couple days. I’ve wanted to do a podcast for months now but have been putting it off. As of today, I have a solid idea for a podcast that I have begun to develop. I will have a first cut of the podcast done before Christmas. You can be sure I will shout it from the rooftops when I’m ready to go live with it.
I’ve also wanted to write a couple essays on various topics. I have created a basic outline for the first and will have it done shortly.
I have a serial (fiction podcast) I’ve been planning for a couple months. Nothing too onerous (in terms of planning) but I plan to podcast it too. I now know that I will begin production of it in the New Year. I plan to have the first episode written by January 1st. That will be a LOT of fun.
I have been sifting through the critiques I received from Critters for the first 3 chapters of my novel. There is some really good stuff in there. In fact, the one that is proving extremely helpful started their critique off with “I’ve got to warn you, this is going to be harsh.” Harsh I can take if the criticism is constructive and believe me, this is. So much so that I hope to bring this person into the project as a dedicated reader.
So what exactly is my point? That I’ve got lots of projects on the go?
The point is, this is a low point in my life but I’m managing to work past it. I have days where I feel pretty useless but I’m still managing to see the good stuff in my life and work on it. Writing is giving me the motivation to keep the spark burning.
Please don’t get me wrong; I fully expect to be employed come the new year. Times are tough, but I’m fortunate enough to live in a place where there are still jobs to be had. I’ve also got plenty to be thankful for: a fantastic family, great friends and a supportive community. I’ve got to be conscious of all my gifts and continue to build on them.
Nope, I know I’m loved and I know that this is just a turning point in my life. Whatever happens will happen and I will ultimately be better for it. And who knows? Maybe writing will play a bigger part in my life from a financial perspective. Here’s hoping.
Personal Update
I know you could argue that the previous post was a personal update and it is. On the submission front I still haven’t heard anything from either novel. Good things come to he (or she) who waits.
Have a fantastic week!