Balticon 44

It has been more than two weeks since I came home from my first Balticon. I wanted to take some time to really absorb all the things I saw and did before I spent any time talking or writing about them.

Let me begin by saying Balticon was something special. Someone very accurately said, “It is like coming home.” As odd as it may sound she was absolutely right.

It was home for so many different reasons.

Let’s start with the people. I have met many people online over the past year or so. Facebook, Twitter, email. I’ve gotten to know many of them reasonably well. I’ve even had the chance to talk with many of them via Skype for Interviews on Get Published and just for the sake of talking. None of those ways of communication hold a candle to meeting someone in person.

Over the course of Balticon I had the opportunity to really connect with many of those people and even meet several new ones. There were lunches and dinners together. Time spent in the bar and at gatherings in the Convention Suite and in people’s rooms. There were evenings just sitting outside talking. It was wonderful. Those people who were words on the screen or voices over Skype became 3-dimensional. It was wonderful.

Of course, Balticon is about writing and Social Media. I got to sit through many interesting panels where people talked about two of the things I really love: writing and podcasting. I got to hear many different ideas and opinions about the craft. Since I can talk about both podcasting and writing for hours, I was in my element.

Did I mention the people? I had the opportunity to go to many readings and live podcasts during Balticon. It was a blast hearing authors I know and like reading their own work. Seeing the passion and joy they have for it reminded me of why I do it too.

Books were, of course, prominent everywhere. Used book sellers, new books. Everybody jockeying for position and having fun doing it. I had the privilege to attend the book launches of Nathan Lowell, PG Holyfield and Patrick McLean. I also got to attend the big announcement by Tee Morris and Philippa Ballantine. Sharing in the joy of both events was a real highlight for me. I can’t wait for my turn to do the same.

Balticon is simply comfortable. Writers are in their element and are relaxed. It was so much fun to be able to shove any feelings of social awkwardness into the background and just enjoy each other’s company.

My final point, at least for this post, is the energy. All the creative people feeding off each other built the energy to a crescendo. I came home feeling revitalized and excited about all the possible projects that are out there. It has really served to drive me forward.

I can’t wait until I can go again.

Personal Update

Lots on the go as always. I’m still busily trying to find gainful employment. It has been a slow, uphill battle but I hope I’m gaining ground.

Writing wise, I got a short story rejection. I immediately sent it back out so that means two short stories are still doing the rounds. I’m going to resubmit my Fantasy novel again, but as a YA novel. I’ve had a couple people say they thought it would fit YA so I’m going to take a shot at it.

I continue to write GalaxyBillies and podcast it as I go. The story is now at more than 50,000 words. I’m aiming at 80,000 for the podcast version and expect the book version to finish slightly higher than that.

I’m also revising my MG novel at the suggestion of a publisher. They have expressed great interest in it should I successfully revise it and have given me some fantastic feedback. I’ve finished the first two chapters and I already see a much stronger book. I hope they agree with me.

Have a good week.


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