2012 is Underway

2012 has started in a very busy way. I’m working on getting GalaxyBillies ready for submission and Jeffrey Hite and my anthology is now accepting submissions.

That is just the beginning of many new projects and existing projects. The first, and perhaps most important, is my book “Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero”. The first major round of edits are finished and the cover has been done. Now to finish the editing and get it out in print. I cannot tell you have excited I am at the prospect of seeing it finished.

There are also some podcast projects being considered that need development. I have several writing project underway including the collaboration project between JRMurdock and myself. That is one that I fully expect will see print down the road.

It looks to be a very promising year. Now, I just need to execute on the plans.

I wish us all a fantastic 2012. Let’s make this a year to remember.



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