GalaxyBillies – Episode 15

The heat has definitely been turned up. The Galactic Extermination Fleet is getting ever closer to Earth and our ultimate destruction. But wait, what’s that? A droid army has turned up on the home planet of Galactic News. Are they for Earth or agin it? MegaDan continues his rallying cry and Sheanna’Ree’s father makes a decision about the humans.

The Kinfolk numbers are steadily climbing and Jimmy Rae Farmer and his clan are liquored up and armed. Hear more about that in the Outro.

For those of you interested, you can send an email to: kinfolk at irreverentmuse dot com and tell me you want to join the Kinfolk. I’ll set you up with your own hillbilly name and post it on this site.

I have also received more entries for the Easter Egg hunt. If you want to get involved send an email to: galaxybillies at irreverentmuse dot com and tell me the Easter Eggs you have found along with the episode number. When the podcast is finished the two people with the most correct answers with join me for the after show.

I would also like to invite you to send your comments, feedback and questions to galaxybillies at irreverentmuse dot com or to my voicemail line at 206.203.2031. I’ll play them on the show.

I also have two Facebook groups for GalaxyBillies. Friends of GalaxyBillies and Michell Plested’s GalaxyBillies. I’d love to have you join.

Thanks for listening.


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