This section contains new books and reviews of books I’ve read.

Where do I begin?

Where do I begin? Those words ran through my mind as I prepared to write my first post in months. It isn’t like I haven’t thought about posting. Honest. But, I haven’t posted. I’ve been working on a variety of things, most not writing related unfortunately. There are the normal family activities, maintenance activities, work and volunteering. Note, I said most were not writing related. Not all. I have a project nearing completion that I am more excited about than any book I can think of. I have my first children’s picture book ready for release in February. Why am I so excited about this book? That is a question I ask myself regularly.  There are two reasons that come […]

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Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero Audiobook Now Available!

Evil Alter Ego Press has been working on getting Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero in audiobook form for several months. Today, all that work has paid off! Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero is now available as an audiobook. You can get your own copy here. To make it even more interesting, Audible is offering it free-of-charge if you sign up for a 30-day trial. How can you possibly lose? A free trial of an already amazing book (and Kevin Earlywine, the narrator, does a fantastic job, btw). 🙂 Get you copy now and you will have 6+ hours of awesomeness to listen to. And, if you would like to help out more, please leave a review too.

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First Draft – Telling Yourself the Story

First Draft – Telling Yourself the Story There is a quote attributed to Terry Pratchett that says, “The first draft is just you telling yourself the story.” Being a huge fan of Terry Pratchett (and wanting to be Terry Pratchett when I grow up), that gives me hope as a writer. I mean, if you have ever read his work, you will find such a collection or wit, insight and sheer snark, you would wonder how anyone could possibly live up to the example he has set. I know, I certainly feel inadequate to meet the example he set; that is I did when I assumed his work came onto the page fully formed from his brain. Now, I’m not so […]

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Managing Priorities

Managing Priorities Our lives are filled with often-conflicting events. Prioritizing those things is the only way to survive (and succeed). In my case, my daughter was getting married AND I have a book to edit for publication (there are a couple more AND’s in there as well, but those are the two biggies). If you’ve never had a book published before you might lean in that direction. It was never a question for me; my daughter did and always will take precedence over my writing. So, being the father of the bride, I spent my time supporting her and my wife as well as I could and prepared for the wedding. The book sat waiting for my attention. Back to […]

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